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Aušros Vartų ligoninė, UAB ASPERSUS is the first private institution in Lithuania to treat patients with addiction. The hospital opened its doors in 2001. Reception (5) 2314575 Mobile phone (652) 12899 Fax (5) 2314573 Sobering (detoxification, alcohol poisoning), call a toxicologist home 24 hours a day Addictive diseases (drug addiction, alcoholism). Consultations, treatment, detoxification Inpatient at home Group therapy Drug Tests Conducted, Confidentiality Addiction to drugs, alcohol, medication. Consultations, treatment, detoxification Tests performed: ECG, blood sugar test, general urine test With the help of qualified doctors Specialists: psychiatrists, psychotherapists, anesthesiologists, resuscitators, therapist Specialists: surgeon, nurses, social workers


Priklausomybės ligos, priklausom, priklausomybė, narkomanija, alkoholizmas, narko, alko, gydymas, detoksikacija, Stacionaras namuose, Grupinė terapija, narkotikų testai, Konfidencialumas Priklausomumas nuo narkotikų, alkoholio, medikamentų. Konsultacijos, gydymas, detoksikacija Atliekami tyrimai, EKG, cukraus kiekio kraujyje tyrimas, bendras šlapimo tyrimas, kvalifikuotų gydytojų pagalba, psichiatrai, psichoterapeutai, anesteziologai, reanimatologai, terapeutas chirurgas, medicinos seserys, socialiniai darbuotojai, Addiction, addiction, addiction, drug addiction, alcoholism, drug, alcohol, treatment, detoxification, Inpatient home, Group therapy, drug tests, Confidentiality Addiction to drugs, alcohol, medication. Consultations, treatment, detoxification Tests performed, ECG, blood sugar test, general urine test, help from qualified doctors, psychiatrists, psychotherapists, anesthesiologists, resuscitators, therapist surgeon, nurses, social workers, Наркомания, наркомания, наркомания, наркомания, алкоголизм, наркотики, алкоголь, лечение, дезинтоксикация, Стационар на дому, групповая терапия, тесты на наркотики, Конфиденциальность Пристрастие к наркотикам, алкоголю, лекарствам. Консультации, лечение, дезинтоксикация Проведенные анализы, ЭКГ, анализ крови на сахар, общий анализ мочи, помощь квалифицированных врачей, психиатров, психотерапевтов, анестезиологов, реаниматологов, терапевта хирург, медсестры, социальные работники

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