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We offer to use our services for training and certification of employees. We teach without intermediaries, so our prices are the lowest. We have the opportunity to train employees on a schedule convenient for you, with high quality, under the most favorable conditions. Our firm can solve all the issues that your company may have: training and certification, consulting, preparation of company regulations, employee safety and health. We can coordinate training programs and class schedules according to your needs. The price of services is negotiable. Occupational safety and professional training, certification, certification of energy workers according to all fields of activity, throughout Lithuania. Qualification raising, development in all areas of activity. A. Vosylienė`s training consulting firm is one of the largest in the republic, preparing company employees according to the license issued by the Ministry of Education and Culture, according to 94 formal training programs and 76 informal training programs, and has been working successfully for 20 years. CERTIFICATION (attestation) of ENERGY EMPLOYEES ACCORDING TO ALL AREAS OF ACTIVITY (electricity, heat, gas, oil), EMPLOYEES OF ALL CATEGORIES. FOR LOADING - UNLOADING WORKS: Truck drivers; Drivers of electric forklifts and trolleys; Forklift drivers. FOR WELDING WORKS, REPAIRS, INSTALLATION WORKS: Gas welded; Electric welded; Electric and gas metal welders and cutters; Blacksmith repairmen; Plumber. FOR SERVICE OF GAS PLANTS, HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE PIPELINES. FOR SERVICING STEAM AND HOT WATER PIPES, PRESSURE VESSELS, THERMAL DEVICES. FOR SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE OF BOILERS. All types of boiler operators, builders, maintenance technicians. FOR SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE OF LIFTING EQUIPMENT. All types of crane operators, maintenance foreman, load hookers. FOR SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE OF COMPRESSORS, REFRIGERATION DEVICES. All types of air compressors, refrigerating compressors machinists, maintenance technicians. WORKING WITH HAZARDOUS CARGO, WASTE, CHEMICAL SUBSTANCES. Managers of work in the laboratory with dangerous chemical substances, Employees working with chemical toxic substances, operators, managers of explosive, flammable productions in the chemical and petrochemical industries. IN WORKING WELLS, CLOSED TANKS, EXCAVATIONS AND DITCHES. FOR PERFORMING WOODWORKING WORKS. Carpenters, carpenters, tailors, machine workers. FOR WORK AT THE FLOOR. Aukšalipius, work managers. LABOR SAFETY, FIRE SAFETY. Employers, plant managers, specialists, employees.


Darbuotojų mokymai atestavimas, mokymo ir atestavimo, konsultavimo, įmonės norminių aktų ruošimo, darbuotojų saugos ir sveikatos srityje, Darbų saugos ir profesinis mokymas, atestavimas, energetikos darbuotojų sertifikavimas pagal visas veiklos sritis, visoje Lietuvoje kvalifikacijos kėlimas, tobulinimas visose veiklos srityse. A. Vosylienės mokymo konsultacinė firma ENERGETIKOS DARBUOTOJŲ SERTIFIKAVIMAS (atestavimas) PAGAL VISAS VEIKLOS SRITIS (elektra, šiluma, dujos, nafta), VISŲ KATEGORIJŲ DARBUOTOJUS.PAKROVIMO – IŠKROVIMO DARBAMS: Autokrautuvo vairuotojus, Elektrinių krautuvų ir vežimėlių vairuotojus, Krautuvų vairuotojus. SUVIRINIMO DARBAMS, REMONTO, MONTAVIMO DARBAMS: Suvirintojus dujomis, Suvirintojus eektra, Metalų suvirintojus bei pjaustytojus elektra ir dujomis, Šaltkalvius remontininkus, Santechnikus.DUJINIŲ ĮRENGINIŲ, PAVOJINGŲ MEDŽIAGŲ VAMZDYNŲ APTARNAVIMUI. Visų tipų katilų operatorius, kūrikus, priežiūros meistrus. KĖLIMO ĮRENGINIŲ APTARNAVIMUI IR PRIEŽIŪRAI. Visų tipų kranų operatorius, priežiūros meistrus, krovinių kabinėtojus. KOMPRESORIŲ, ŠALDYMO ĮRENGIMŲ APTARNAVIMUI IR PRIEŽIŪRAI. Visų tipų oro kompresorių, šaldymo kompresorių mašinistus, priežiūros meistrus.DARBUI SUPAVOJINGAIS KROVINIAIS, ATLIEKOMIS, CHEMINĖMIS MEDŽIAGOMIS. Darbų laboratorijoje su pavojingomis cheminėmis medžiagomis vadovus, Darbuotojus, dirbančius su cheminėmis nuodingomis medžiagomis, Chemijos ir naftos chemijos pramonės sprogių, degių gamybų operatorius, vadovus. DARBŲ ŠULINIUOSE, UŽDAROSE TALPYKLOSE, IŠKASOSE IR PYLIMUOSE. MEDIENOS APDIRBIMO DARBŲ ATLIKIMUI. Dailides, stalius, gaterininkus, staklininkus. DARBAMS AUKŠTYJE. Aukštalipius, darbų vadovus. DARBŲ SAUGO, GAISRINĖS SAUGOS. Darbdavius, padalinio vadovus, specialistus, darbuotojus. Certification of employee training, training and certification, consulting, preparation of company regulatory acts, occupational safety and health, Occupational safety and professional training, certification, certification of energy workers in all fields of activity, qualification raising and improvement in all fields of activity throughout Lithuania. A. Vosylienė`s training consulting firm CERTIFICATION (attestation) of ENERGY EMPLOYEES ACCORDING TO ALL AREAS OF ACTIVITY (electricity, heat, gas, oil), EMPLOYEES OF ALL CATEGORIES. FOR LOADING - UNLOADING WORKS: Forklift drivers, Electric forklift and trolley drivers, Forklift drivers. FOR WELDING WORKS, REPAIRS, INSTALLATION WORKS: Gas welders, electric welders, metal welders and cutters with electricity and gas, blacksmiths, repairmen, plumbers. SERVICE OF GAS EQUIPMENT, HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE PIPELINES. All types of boiler operators, builders, maintenance technicians. FOR SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE OF LIFTING EQUIPMENT. All types of crane operators, maintenance foreman, load hookers. FOR SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE OF COMPRESSORS, REFRIGERATION DEVICES. All types of air compressors, refrigerating compressor drivers, maintenance technicians. WORKING WITH DANGEROUS LOADS, WASTE, CHEMICAL SUBSTANCES. Managers of work in the laboratory with dangerous chemical substances, Employees working with chemical toxic substances, operators, managers of explosive, flammable productions in the chemical and petrochemical industries. IN WORKING WELLS, CLOSED TANKS, EXCAVATIONS AND DITCHES. FOR PERFORMING WOODWORKING WORKS. Carpenters, carpenters, tailors, machine workers. FOR WORK AT THE FLOOR. Aukšalipius, work managers. LABOR SAFETY, FIRE SAFETY. Employers, department heads, specialists, employees. Аттестация работников, обучение и аттестация, консультирование, подготовка нормативных актов компании, охрана труда, Охрана труда и профессиональная подготовка, аттестация, аттестация энергетиков по всем направлениям деятельности, повышение квалификации и усовершенствование по всем направлениям деятельности на всей территории Литва. Учебно-консультационная фирма А. Восилене АТТЕСТАЦИЯ (аттестация) ЭНЕРГЕТИКОВ ПО ВСЕМ НАПРАВЛЕНИЯМ ДЕЯТЕЛЬНОСТИ (электроэнергия, тепло, газ, нефть), РАБОТНИКОВ ВСЕХ КАТЕГОРИЙ НА ПОГРУЗОЧНО-РАЗГРУЗОЧНЫЕ РАБОТЫ: Водители погрузчиков, Водители электропогрузчиков и тележек, Водители погрузчиков.

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