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UAB Naresta pursues function of a general contractor and takes responsibility for the quality of all works. The Company uses newest internationally approved construction technologies and environmentally friendly construction materials which meet international standards of construction. Projects implemented by the Company include various buildings: residential houses, administrative, commercial and industrial buildings. The Company specializes in: construction of monolithic concrete structures; mounting works of ventilated facades; design and construction of recreation objects in regional and national parks; arrangement of complexes under heritage protection; high quality internal finishing works.


statyba, ranga, projektavimas, monolitinė konstrukcija, ventiliuojami fasadai, vidaus apdaila, istorinių kompleksų tvarkymas, rekreacinių objektų projektavimas ir įrengimas construction, equipment, design, monolithic construction, ventilated facades, interior decoration, historical complexes management, recreational facilities design and installation строительство, оборудование, проектирование, монолитное строительство, вентилируемые фасады, внутренняя отделка, историческое управление комплексами, проектирование рекреационных объектов и установка

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