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Collection and removal of household and communal waste to landfills, rental of construction scrap containers, removal/transportation of construction scrap, shredding and sale, management of biodegradable (green) waste, collection and sorting of secondary raw materials, management of bulky waste. The company also provides clothes, carpet cleaning, ironing, small clothing repair services and dry chemical cleaning of clothes and carpets. Removal of waste in containers, bags; collection of secondary raw materials, sorting, collection of large household waste, management of construction waste, removal of demolition scrap, shredding, processing; trade in recycled construction and demolition scrap; dry chemical cleaning of clothes, ironing


Atliekos, atliekų išvežimas, atliekų aptarnavimas, atlieka, atliekoms, atliekas, atliekų išvežimas konteineriais maišais, antrinių žaliavų surinkimas, rūšiavimas, didžiųjų buities atliekų surinkimas, statybinių atliekų tvarkymas, griovimo laužo išvežimas, smulkinimas, perdirbimas, prekyba perdirbto statybinio, griovimo laužo skalda, sausas cheminis rūbų valymas, lyginimas, Garbage Waste, garbage waste removal, garbage waste service, garbage disposal, waste, waste, waste removal in containers in bags, collection of secondary raw materials, sorting, collection of large household waste, construction waste management, removal of demolition scrap, shredding, recycling, sale of recycled construction materials, demolition debris, dry chemical cleaning of clothes, ironing, Мусороотходы, вывоз мусора, услуги по вывозу мусора, вывоз мусора, отходы, отходы, вывоз мусора в контейнерах в мешках, сбор вторичного сырья, сортировка, сбор крупного бытового мусора, обращение со строительными отходами, вывоз лома от сноса, измельчение, утилизация, продажа вторичных строительных материалов, мусор от сноса, сухая химчистка одежды, глажка,

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