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SVEIKA ODA, UAB - a specialized clinic for skin diseases and aesthetic medicine. With the help of modern modern methods of diagnosis and treatment, the visitors of the clinic are consulted, examined and treated for various allergic, infectious, inflammatory and fungal diseases of the skin, hair and nails. Drawing on their many years of experience in the field of skin cancer and precancerous diseases, dermatologists advise children and adults on a variety of moles, precancerous, benign and malignant skin diseases.Services - Diagnosis and treatment of skin, hair and nail diseases Dermatologist, oncodermatologist consultations Consultations of a plastic and reconstructive surgeon Examination of moles, benign, precancerous and malignant structures of the skin with a digital videodermatoscope Scalp hair condition TRICHOSCALE hair assessment system. Facial red, dilated vascular intense pulsed light (IUD) or laser Intense pulsed light (ICS) or laser removal of hair, pigment spots Removal of benign and precancerous skin derivatives by surgical laser, liquid nitrogen Mesotherapy, biorevitalization, PRP, correction of facial wrinkles with various injectable preparations


FilL Med, Xela Rederm, Teoxane, Regen Lab, Dysport, Mesoline, Odos ligos, odos, Dermatologas Kaune, Dermatoonkologas, dermatolog, Dermatoonkologo konsultacija, Apgamų šalinimas, apgam, Dermatologijos klinika Kaune, Estetinės medicinos klinika, estet medicin, Plastinės chirurgijos gydytojo, plastine, plastinė, FilL Med, Xela Rederm, Teoxane, Regen Lab, Dysport, Mesoline, Skin diseases, skin, Dermatologist in Kaunas, Dermatooncologist, dermatologist, Dermatooncologist consultation, Clinic of Dermatology in Kaunas, Clinic of Aesthetic Medicine, esthetic medicine, plastic, plastic, FilL Med, Xela Rederm, Teoxane, Regen Lab, Dysport, Mesoline, Кожные заболевания, кожа, Дерматолог в Каунасе, Дерматоонколог, дерматолог, Консультация дерматоонколога, Клиника дерматологии в Каунасе, Клиника эстетической медицины, эстетическая медицина, пластика, пластика

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